2019 FLYSET CityShaper FLL Scrimmage

When: 11/3/19 1:30pm-5:00pm

Who: FLL teams

Where: Rice Middle School, 8500 Gifford Dr, Plano, TX 75025

Registration: Free

(Public spectators are welcome to watch)

FLYSET.org and affiliated FTC team 8565 (TechnicBots) are co-hosting an FLL scrimmage with the Rice FTC team 11472 (RavenClaw) for local FLL teams to test out their robots on playing fields, experience a mock judging session, and get hyped for the upcoming FLL qualifiers. The aim of this event is to give FLL teams a taste of what a competition is like and give them a chance to learn from other teams.

The scrimmage will consist of both Robot Games and mock judging sessions. Each team will participate in a minimum of 3 matches. Due to resource limits, a maximum of 20 teams will be allowed to participate in the scrimmage. Sign-up is first come first serve. You will receive email to confirm your spot or waitlist status. Register here.

We are planning on having optional mock judging sessions for the teams for the newly introduced consolidated judging this season. Coaches are allowed to go into the judging room, and feedback will be provided. Once the match schedules are sent out 1-2 days before the scrimmage, teams will be able to sign up for judging sessions based on match schedule.

Competition fields and mission models will be supplied. We will also have one practice field. Teams CAN bring their own fields and/or models in their pit area in addition to their robot kits and their laptops, but space is very limited. One charging station will be setup to charge the robots and laptops (Not cellphones).

All teams should bring printed team roster page to confirm team participants and a signed FLYSET waiver form (download here) for each participant.


1:30pm: team check in

1:45pm: Coach meeting with head referee

2:00pm: match and presentation start

4:00pm: presentation session completes

4:45pm: matches complete and cleanup


Match Schedule:

Please sign up your mock presentation slot below (based on your game match schedule).

Current Sign-up Sheets

No sheets available at this time.