2019 Joint FTC Summer Study project covers the following topics:
- Hardware topics – Chassis (mecanum chassis with odometry wheels)
- Hardware topics – Extension mechanisms (linear slides, rack and pinion, four bar links, fishing pole, elevator)
- Hardware topics – intake mechanisms
- Software topics – odometry wheel for mecanum wheel chassis
- Software topics – Blocks programming for Rookies
- Software topics – OnBot Java beginner’s guide
- Software topics – Control Hub
- CAD topics – Control CAD model with Unity
- CAD topics – Fusion 360, Autodesk Inventor, Tinker CAD
- Other topics – Engineering Notebook
- Other topics – Fundraising
We plan to share our study results with local FTC teams at upcoming workshop on 8/24/2019. We hope these tests will help the FIRST Tech Challenge community in designing their robot for next year’s challenge.
Participating FTC teams: 8565, 6566, 7172, 11341, 11472, 15536, 16296
We are looking for the vendors to provide any kind of support such as tech tips, product giveaways for the drawing of FTC workshop participant teams and etc.
Current Sponsors:

Project plan and milestones:
kickoff meeting: 5/19/2019 2pm – 4pm, QD Academy
- Decide on the topics that each team plans to study in the summer
- Define the goals of each topic
- Agree on the timeline of the monthly meetings and location
June meeting: 6/29/2019 2pm – 4pm, QD Academy
- Research completed for each intended topic
- Detailed plan is ready for the intended topic (all materials and dependencies identified and/or secured)
- Bring any questions you may have for discussions
July meeting: 7/21/2019 2pm – 4pm, UTD
- Preliminary results for the intended topics
- Built mechanism for demonstration
- Data collected for showing and explanation
- Curriculum preview
- Bring any questions you may have for discussions
- Workshop Topics Confirmed
August meeting: 8/10/2019 2pm – 4pm, Rice Middle School
- Final results are ready for preview
- Discuss the workshop session schedule so each team can start preparing for the slides
FTC Workshop: 8/24/2019 9am-4pm, Rice Middle School
- Presentation and Curriculum ready
- Robots and mechanisms fine tuned and ready for demonstration
- Invite team coaches to be panelist for the rookie team panel discussion